Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bittersweet Birthday...

The thought of Brogan's first birthday in 4 days is very bittersweet. I am so happy and excited that he is growing up but so sad that he will not be a newborn anymore. He is able to say mama, dada, baba, Hi and part of the word book (he says ook) He can wave, clap, drum on his belly and shake his head yes and no. He is almost walking, I say by 13 months. And he dances on demand! It's the cutest thing. He's such a sweet and well behaved little guy and I love him so very much. He has the best attitude and is so easygoing just like his daddy! We always have so much fun everyday! I feel so blessed for this past year. I love my life and I love my family.

As I also head towards the next year in my life in a week I look forward to growing another year wiser and looking another year younger! I have been taking much better care of my self by cutting out soda, alcohol and tanning as well as eating better and adding some sort of exercise to my daily regimen. I am already starting to feel great as I have lost 20lbs since I started in August! I have my 10 year high school reunion coming up this summer so I have even more reason to get my A game on! I HAVE to look and feel my best and am very determined!

I hope everyone else is having a great year so far and continues to have a blessed one keeping you and yours safe and healthy.

Love, Lauren

1 comment:

  1. We are so proud of you Patrick and Brogan. The Family you have become is amazing.

    Your Loving Mother.
