Sunday, May 30, 2010

I've been a very bad blogger! Sorry!

Sorry it's been forever since I have posted anything! Well, Brogan started walking on May 15!!!! Now it's May 30 and he has been walking so much! We love it! :) Here are some videos of little Brogie walking! We had a great Sunday night just playing and dancing around the living room!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Oh my gosh!!!!

Brogie is walking!! Finally at almost 15 months old he started walking by himself!!!!! Yay!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

3 years!!!

Pregnant with Brogie
Pregnant with Ava
Our wedding Day!

When we first started dating!

The night of our first kiss!

The night we got engaged
Pregnant with Ava

Our first 4th of July

Well, we have been through a ton of craziness over the past 3 years, but in a way I wouldn't have wanted it any different. It has made us much stronger as a couple and has inspired us to be better people! I love my husband with all of my heart and he makes me so happy! I am so proud of the man he has become and is still becoming every day!