Thursday, April 28, 2011

New home!!

Well, we found a new place!! We are moving into a very nice 4 bedroom 3.5 bath townhouse! We primed and painted Brogan's room last week and are going to start taking some loads over this weekend! We are so excited! Now everyone will have their own room! Including my mom when she comes to visit! I just can't wait to get in there to decorate!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New baby!

Our first hike with Brogan up Castle Rock! So much fun!!

Taking a dirt bath with Derek!
At the 2011 Auto show! Love the concept cars!

Brogie's first light rail ride! He loved riding the "choo choo"

My belly @ 18 weeks
Brogan modeling for mommy

Sweet baby Ava's 3rd birthday celebration

After we found out we were having a baby girl, our first new baby girl outfit!
Our new car "the Fentley" (fake Bentley) Chrysler 300
our first ultrasound finding out we were having a girl!
Already posing!

Well, I haven't blogged in forever! Pretty much because I'm on Facebook all the time :) But I thought I'd pick back up!

So much has changed in about 8 months!! Brogan had his little surgery on his neck to have a cyst removed. It was very well and he did great!! Then I had surgery on my nose to have my deviated septum fixed, that went well as far as the surgery part goes, but I think I am worse now. Patrick and I are pretty sure there is something in our apartment that is causing me to be so miserable. I am unable to really do much right now though because we found out that we are pregnant!! We are expecting a girl September 3rd! However I will be having another c-saection so I'm hoping for an August 27th delivery! We are so excited!

We also just celebrated Ava's 3rd birthday March 25th. We had some very dear friends of ours come to the cemetery to wish her a happy birthday. It was very bittersweet.

Everything else is going pretty well. We are currently looking for a different apartment hoping to alleviate some allergy issues and add another bedroom for the baby!