Sunday, February 28, 2010


He's leaning over the tub testing (splashing) the water temperature!

My Little Beethoven

My Birthday @ Wicked Garden!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Birthday fun!!

Well, the big birthday weekend has come and gone and boy what a weekend! We all had a great time! (I am still trying to recover! I am still pooped out!) Brogan is finally one! I still can't believe it. He is such an amazing little guy! Patrick threw me the coolest birthday party with ALL of my friends at this dance club called Wicked Garden! Very VIP! He also surprised me by having my mom, dad, brother, his new fiance Anya and cousin Erin fly in. It was so great celebrating with everyone!

Here are some pictures of Brogan's birthday party at Gymboree. He was so cute there climbing and crawling on everything with all of his little friends! He was so cute eating his cake and let me tell you how cute it was coming out (the same color) oh to be a mommy!

Brogan looks super serious in a ton of these pictures, but he is just very observant! He had a blast!

Yummy cake with my future new Aunt Anya!!

Uncle Kyle!

Parachute time with the Fam!

Dazed over the bubbles!
Cousin Erin and me!
Happy Birthday Boy!!

Model pose!
Brogan's buddy James!

Learning to share!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bittersweet Birthday...

The thought of Brogan's first birthday in 4 days is very bittersweet. I am so happy and excited that he is growing up but so sad that he will not be a newborn anymore. He is able to say mama, dada, baba, Hi and part of the word book (he says ook) He can wave, clap, drum on his belly and shake his head yes and no. He is almost walking, I say by 13 months. And he dances on demand! It's the cutest thing. He's such a sweet and well behaved little guy and I love him so very much. He has the best attitude and is so easygoing just like his daddy! We always have so much fun everyday! I feel so blessed for this past year. I love my life and I love my family.

As I also head towards the next year in my life in a week I look forward to growing another year wiser and looking another year younger! I have been taking much better care of my self by cutting out soda, alcohol and tanning as well as eating better and adding some sort of exercise to my daily regimen. I am already starting to feel great as I have lost 20lbs since I started in August! I have my 10 year high school reunion coming up this summer so I have even more reason to get my A game on! I HAVE to look and feel my best and am very determined!

I hope everyone else is having a great year so far and continues to have a blessed one keeping you and yours safe and healthy.

Love, Lauren

Valentine's Day!

Valentine's weekend was fantastic!! I got a adorable pink apron from William Sanoma!!! I love it and I got to wear it to cook our Valentine's Day breakfast! We just a had a really nice family weekend and we still get one more day off tomorrow!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Brogan reading and taking me for a ride!

Brogan reading about Adam & Eve this morning
Brogan was taking me for a ride and picking out the tunes!

Watch out ladies!
I got the keys beep beep!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Brogan @ Gymboree!!

Brogan and I went to Gymboree class yesterday and had so much fun! I feel like we were able to connect on a different level than how we are at home! He was on a mission to find all of the balls laying around and we played humpty dumpty and teeter totter! He was so cute!!! And such a good boy!